Google resorted to improve the Google Translate by crowdsourcing

Day by day since it's launch the Google Translate has been improving and now to make it better at what it does Google resorted to improve the Google Translate by crowdsourcing. Google Translate is known to provide an acceptable translation of different language to the users and with time lots of new languages has been added to the list. Though all the time it might not give the perfect translation, but recently Google has took a step to improve the translation capabilities by inputs from all the netizens and what has been called as the crowdsourcing. This means that now anyone who joins the Google Translate Community can submit translations of phrases or words.
Basically there will be two options for the public in helping to build the translation data base. Anyone who can speak more than one language fluently given in the Google Translate list can now submit translation of words or phrase or help in correcting the previous translations. The quality of translation by this method is expected to rise in the upcoming period and help Google Translate to serve its users better.
It has also been said that those who are not in the Translate Community can even submit translation directly. This new feature included in the Google Translate allows one to make correction and submit the corrected version if one sees a mistake. Earlier there was option to mark translation as helpful, offensive or not helpful but now one can actively participate to make the correction. So with this new innovative idea of improving Google Translate by crowdsourcing, it has been expected to see a superior quality service for translation in the upcoming days.

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