Nokia Windows RT tablet is expected to be unveiled at the Mobile World Congress that will be held on the month of February 2012. Earlier there were reports that Nokia is working on their first ever tablet based on Windows. However, there was no solid details about their act. But the scenario is about to change in the Mobile World Congress. As reported by DigiTimes, Microsoft, Qualcomm and Compal Electronics has resumed there work and the development of the Windows 8 based Nokia tablet is on progress.
The rumors about the Nokia Windows RT tablet originally emerged earlier this year. The reports said that the company was opting for dual-core Qualcomm SoC and the initial shipment was reported to be about 200,000 units. It was also reported the cause behind the delay of launching the tablet goes to the unveil of Microsoft Surface tablets which was launched few months ago. But current reports says that Nokia is back to work and the tablet will be available on display on the event of Mobile World Congress.
However, it still remains a rumor until any further press release from the company. But if the reports were true then unveiling the tablet on the eve of Mobile World Congress does makes a lot of sense. At the moment the Nokia Windows RT tablet specifications are not available. We will definitely write about the specification as soon as we get hold of the information. It has also been reported that AT&T planning to stock tablets next year and which might be the expected 'soon to be unveiled' Nokia Windows RT tablet.
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